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Coby-Rae Crosbie is a London-based artist and researcher. She was born in Australia and grew up in Belgium and France before moving to London through her Masters in Fine Arts at Goldsmiths, from which she graduated with distinction in 2020. She is also part of the Unité de Recherche Numériques (Digital Research Group) at ENSBA Lyon (France), and host the cyberfeminist reading group GLURN.
Coby-Rae’s practice has generously been support by Arts Council England thanks to a DYCP grant.
Her work has been shown in the UK (Saatchi, SET, Goldsmiths, …), France (MUCEM Marseille, Le Magasin Grenoble, Galerie Tator, Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon, …), Lithuania (SODA 2123, Pamènkalnio Galerija, Vilnius Academy of Arts), Poland (E. Geppert Academy of Fine Arts, Wrocław), Germany (Frappant Gallery Hamburg), China (Tree Art Museum), & online (The Wrong Biennale, Arebyte).
Her work is centred around information theory and the concept of the false dichotomy between noise and information. She further proposes that these two entities could be conceptualised when looked at through the lens of quantum physics, and considers them as being in an entangled state. As such, she is interested in knowledge as material and a tool to further understanding. Her background in installation-based art has led her to a deep interest in new technologies, using computer-generation for sound, text, and data. Through her research in queer ecologies, binary computing and video games as an empirical vehicle, she has been exploring the lecture-performance as format for artwork based in care; where alternative pedagogies can be explored in the context of transmitting, but also constructing, information and knowledge.
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Select exhibitions, residencies, writing, conferences, ...
Entre Mots et Fictions, artist Residency with Entropies collective at La Nouvelle Laurentine, Aubepierre-sur-Aube, France
who finds us here, circling, bewildered, like atoms, lecture performance
and The Answer Is Darkness, screening
at Sauve Qui Peut La Vie, Les Subsistances, Lyon (FR)
Résolutions, Réfectoire des Nonnes, Beaux Arts de Lyon, France
Not Quite King, Not Quite Fish Symposium, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
who finds us here, circling, bewildered, like atoms, Lecture Performance at ENSBA Lyon, France
Analogies Symposium Art & Philosophie, Université Lyon 3, France
False Clarity, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg (DE)
Radiator Session 3, lecture performance, London (UK)
Research Methods in Visual Arts Symposium, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts, Wrocław, Poland
The Wrong Biennale, Pavillon This Word Doesn't Exist curated by Bérénice Serra & Fabien Zocco
Mutanx & Momix, Réfectoire des Nonnes, ENSBA Lyon, FR
3D WOMEN! Platform Southwark, curated by Winnie Hall & Georgia Stephenson, London
Conditions Exhibition, Whitgift Center Croydon, UK
Reference Points curated by Mami Mizushina, Hartslane Gallery, including public talk
Piloting Mystical Mechanics, Public Talk at Pamėnkalnio Galerija in Vilnius, Lithuania
Redirecting, Tree Art Museum, Beijing, China
Conditions Studio Program (2020-2021)
Goldsmiths MFA Degree Show , Goldsmiths University, London
London Grads Now, Flatten The Dream: The Exit, Saatchi Gallery, London
The Entanglement and Systemic Agency in which Cybernetic Noise and Information Operate (ENG)
Arebyte On Screen : System Safari, Arebyte Gallery, London, UK
Live to Live, Enclave Lab, Deptford, London [*POSTPONED DUE TO COVID19]
Goldsmiths MFA Interim Show, Deptford, London
Surfacing Work // Commence Here, Group Show at SET Lewisham, London
Into la matrice with VNS MATRIX (FR)
Bouillon Brochette and @feminism4everz for TRANS//BORDER at the MUCEM, Marseille, France
No Limit ça Marche, group walk from Lyon to Le Magasin, Grenoble, France
National Diploma of Art Degree Show at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Lyon, France
Cracking for La Nuit Européenne des Musées 2017 at Le Musée des Beaux art de Lyon, Lyon, France
In F for La Factatory, with the No Limit Workshop from ENSBA Lyon, Gallery Tator, Lyon, France
Conditions Exhibition Review by Art Monthly, October 2021 (ENG)